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Revance in New Jersey  Toms River

The Revance RHA Collection of Dermal Fillers offers an innovative new treatment option for both women and men looking for non-surgical alternatives for facial rejuvenation. The RHA Collection is approved by the FDA for patients aged 22 and above to diminish signs of dynamic wrinkles, lines, and folds that typically develop due to repetitive facial expressions. Hyaluronic acid, which is a natural component of the human body, is a major ingredient in the RHA Collection, and the solutions are engineered in a way that can produce results that look and feel natural without leading to “frozen” expressions or an artificial appearance.

Plus, these advanced dermal fillers are known to last well over a year, which is longer than many other injectable options. Our skilled injectable provider here at the Godek Center can meet with you for an initial consultation to talk about the RHA Collection and whether this treatment is ideal for your needs. To learn more about Revance New Jersey patients can contact us today to schedule a consultation with our expert team of aestheticians.

What Are the Benefits of the Revance RHA Collection of Dermal Fillers?

The goal of the Revance RHA Collection of Dermal Fillers is to smooth away signs of dynamic wrinkles without compromising one’s ability to make facial expressions as naturally as possible. The unique makeup of the RHA solution and its innovative production process allows the hyaluronic acid (HA) molecules to preserve more of their natural structure. This can lead to results that provide noticeable rejuvenation while still appearing natural, even in facial areas that exhibit some of the most dynamic expressions. The RHA Collection can significantly reduce signs of wrinkles and creases between the nose and mouth (“smile” and “laugh” lines), between the brows, and in other facial areas.

Treatment with Revance RHA Collection of Dermal Fillers does not require general anesthesia or recovery time, and outcomes may last up to 15 months. Like so many of the dermal filler options available at our practice, RHA fillers can be effective treatments on their own, or they can be added to treatments such as facelift surgery and other surgical or non-surgical procedures for more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Revance in New Jersey  Toms River

Which RHA Dermal Filler is Right for Me?

Currently, the RHA Collection of Dermal Fillers includes three options, all approved for treatment in patients who are at least 22 years of age. Each solution is designed to address particular aesthetic concerns based on their location and level of severity. The three options in the Revance RHA Collection of Dermal Fillers are:


RHA 2 can be helpful for individuals who are experiencing a moderate to severe degree of dynamic wrinkle and fine line formation around the mouth and lips, as well as the nasolabial area (between the nose and mouth). This filler can be injected into the middle dermal layers or deeper dermal layers.


RHA 3 can also be a good option for moderate to severe nasolabial folds. The difference between this filler and RHA 2 is that RHA 3 contains lidocaine, which is a local anesthetic that can help minimize discomfort during the injections.


RHA 4 may be recommended for patients who have particularly severe wrinkles and folds in dynamic facial areas. Reduction in signs of nasolabial folds is one of the most notable advantages of this injectable. The RHA 4 option also contains lidocaine to help diminish discomfort during treatment.

RHA Redensity

RHA Redensity is the latest option in the Revance RHA Collection of Dermal Fillers. Redensity is designed to gently smooth away lip lines (sometimes called “smoker’s lines”) without giving the skin a “bulked up” look. This solution can be a great option for individuals experiencing signs of aging around the mouth and has proven particularly effective for dynamic areas that exhibit even the finest of lines and wrinkles.

Revance in New Jersey  Toms River

What Can I Expect During RHA Dermal Filler Treatment?

Once you have met with our experienced injectable provider at our practice in New Jersey Revance RHA ideal dermal fillers candidates will receive a customized treatment plan. During the procedure, the RHA filler will be delicately and precisely injected into the targeted areas with a fine needle. Our injectable provider will apply a light massage technique after the injections to ensure the solution is evenly distributed in the area of treatment. Treatment with RHA dermal fillers can often be completed in under one hour at our practice, and this procedure does not require downtime. In fact, most individuals resume their normal daily schedules right after treatment. A small degree of bruising and swelling at the injection sites is common following the procedure; however, these effects should dissipate over the next few days.

How Long Can the Results of RHA Dermal Fillers Last?

While every patient is unique and the longevity of results is somewhat different among individuals, many RHA dermal filler options produce outcomes that can generally last up to 15 months. The RHA Redensity solution is known to create results that last up to one year. The potential length of RHA results makes it one of the longer-lasting fillers available, and many patients are able to continue experiencing the benefits of this treatment even further with occasional follow-up injections. To learn more about the Revance RHA Collection of Dermal Fillers, please contact the Godek Center today.

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